Tech Talk

Is Your IT More Foe Than Friend? [August 27, 2024]

Is your IT infrastructure a well-oiled machine, or is it the rusty chain holding your business back? Imagine losing hours of productivity, frustrated employees, and missed opportunities—all because your tech is stuck in the past. It’s time to ask: Is your IT helping you win, or is it the silent saboteur to your success? Read on to find out how to turn your tech from a burden into your biggest asset.

The Pace of Change

At first glance, the relentless pace of technological progress might suggest that better systems, smoother user experiences, and enhanced productivity are inevitable. However, the reality of IT is far more nuanced. While the broader trend points towards improved software and more powerful hardware, the truth is that not every update or new product delivers on its promise. Sometimes, companies miss the mark—releasing updates that try to do too much or pivoting towards a different use case, leaving you struggling to make their product fit your specific business needs. Occasionally, these missteps are corrected, but often they linger, becoming a persistent thorn in your side. The most challenging aspect of navigating these IT issues is recognizing them in the first place. If you’ve found yourself grappling with increasing IT headaches and declining productivity, it’s time to take a closer look.

A People First Approach

A crucial step in evaluating the effectiveness of your IT infrastructure is to engage with the people who use it every day—your employees and colleagues. Start by asking them about the specific frustrations they encounter, whether it’s software that doesn’t quite meet their needs or hardware that seems to cause more problems than it solves. Newer hires can offer particularly valuable insights, as they bring a fresh perspective and haven’t yet adapted to the workarounds that long-time employees might rely on. Often, what appears to be an efficient process is actually the result of years of trial and error, with experienced users developing “hacks” to navigate the system’s quirks. By understanding these pain points, you can begin to identify the red flags that signal deeper issues within your IT setup—issues that, if left unaddressed, could be costing your business more than you realize.

Signs To Look Out For

There are many things that you can listen for when it comes to your software and hardware requirements. If you hear any of the following phrases it’s a great opportunity to dig deeper and find out if the computers are working for you, or against you.

“Only one person knows how to make that system work”

“You need to reboot the system every time we make a change to avoid glitches.”

“We need to delete those older files to make space for new ones”

“We don’t need to secure that system properly since nobody would hack a company as small as us”

“These applications are incompatible, so we’re manually copying and pasting data between them.”

“We can’t update to a newer version of this software because it will break everything”

These phrases are more than just complaints—they’re indicators of inefficiencies that could be costing your business time and money. Addressing these issues can lead to significant improvements in both productivity and employee satisfaction.”

Who’s To Blame?

It’s also crucial to recognize that not all IT issues stem from user error. Big tech companies often shift the blame to the user, suggesting that their ‘perfectly designed’ products should work flawlessly if only the user knew how to operate them correctly. But good technology should account for varying levels of user expertise. By shifting your perspective to hold the products you’re paying for to a basic standard of usability, you can better identify which technologies truly serve your business needs and which ones might be holding you back.

The Right Perspective

Managing the complexities of IT infrastructure can often feel overwhelming, especially when systems fail in unpredictable ways. Distinguishing between random glitches and consistent issues with capacity is challenging, even for technically adept organizations. However, the right tools can make a significant difference. By implementing comprehensive monitoring and logging systems, you can track every aspect of your IT environment, from everyday performance to spikes in traffic that may push your system to its limits. These insights allow you to pinpoint the underlying causes of issues and take targeted actions to mitigate them. This proactive approach not only helps in addressing immediate problems but also prepares you for future changes, such as migrating to newer software versions. As technology evolves, ensuring your IT infrastructure can adapt without falling into the trap of software lock-in becomes crucial for maintaining productivity and flexibility.

It’s A Trap!

One common pitfall for many businesses is postponing necessary updates and migrations simply because “everything works fine as it is.” However, this complacency can lead to major headaches down the line. What might seem like a perfectly functional system today can quickly become problematic as technology evolves. As hardware and operating systems advance, the applications that run on them must also adapt. An update to a seemingly unrelated component of your IT infrastructure can unexpectedly render your main business software incompatible. By staying proactive with updates and exploring alternatives early, you can avoid the stress of last-minute migrations and maintain a competitive edge. Testing new tools with trial versions allows you to make informed decisions and choose solutions that best serve your business, rather than being forced into a hasty choice under the pressure of looming “breaking change” in your IT infrastructure or software.

Getting To The Bottom Of It

Your daily computing tools should empower your business, not hinder it. Despite the rapid evolution of business technology over the past forty to fifty years, many companies remain anchored in outdated practices, missing out on the full potential of modern IT solutions. Moving forward isn’t just about acquiring the latest hardware or software; it’s about ensuring that your company harnesses the true power of these advancements to drive productivity and efficiency.

If this post has sparked a realization about the state of your IT infrastructure, take the next step towards transformation. At Keenan Technologies, we specialize in helping businesses like yours navigate the complexities of modern technology. Contact us for a consultation, and let’s explore how we can optimize your systems to meet today’s demands and future-proof your operations. As Portland’s Trusted IT Partner, we’re here to ensure your technology works as hard as you do.

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